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SCIE101: Should Science Be Pursued For The Sake Of Knowledge: Science Society And Me, UOA, New Zealand

University University of Auckland (UOA)
Subject Science Society And Me

Assignment question:

SCIE101 : Should science be pursued for the sake of knowledge, without consideration of how the use of that knowledge may impact society?


Write a 500-word critical reflection that answers the question above. A critical reflection should aim to identify what your views/ideas are, and then evaluate why you hold these views/ideas, and finally, explain how they influence your perspective on a particular topic.

Your answer should include the following:

1. Reference to lecture material and/or external resources.

2. A minimum of three peer-reviewed resources.

3. Reflection on the civic roles and influence of science and scientists.

4. A personal reflection on what your answer means for your discipline and what your responsibility is as a scientist in that discipline

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