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Identify At Least One Statutory Or Regulatory Requirement: Early Childhood Education Assignment, UC, New Zealand

University University Of Canterbury (UC)
Subject Early Childhood Education

Case Study

Alex is a 32-year-old ECE teacher. She's been working in ECE for 10 years and is well respected at her center. The children love her and her colleagues admire the way she is always willing to do extra to engage the children.

Recently. a two-year-old boy named %keine, covered himself completely in the paint during a potato printing session. Alex and the other teacher supervising the activity agreed that the boy would need a shower to get cleaned up. As there were seven other children who were still printing.

it was agreed that Alex would take Mikaere to the shower while the other teacher would supervise the remaining children. So that's what Alex did.

After the shower. Alex returned Mikaere to the supervision of her colleague where he happily sat and ate afternoon tea with the other children When the boy's mother heard what had happened. she was horrified that a teacher had showered her son without another adult around.

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While she made her concerns known to the teachers at the time. she then went home and posted a very angry post on Facebook where she named both the center and Alex. Some of Alex's friends saw the post and told Alex about it. Alex was mortified and. as the post was shared publicly. she attempted to explain the situation on the parent's Facebook page.

The exchange became extremely heated. The situation was further inflamed by a comment noting that some of the teachers at the center did not pronounce Mikaere's name correctly. Several, parents weighed in with remarks criticizing the center's lack of cultural

Part 1

a. Identify at least one statutory or regulatory requirement and one professional requirement that underpin the Standard you have chosen and explain how these requirements inform this Standard

b. Explain how the standard you have chosen connects with each of the four commitments in the Code for Professional Responsibility.

c. Being a teacher in Aotearoa New Zealand requires engaging in professional, respectful, and collaborative relationships.

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Critically discuss how you intend to do this in your practice by

• describing the specific actions you will take to engage in professional, respectful, and collaborative relationships

• explaining how these actions will contribute to your meeting the Standards for the Teaching Profession

• referring to at least two key sources of guidance (in addition to Our Code Our Standards- Code of Professional Responsibility and Standards for the Teaching Profession) to support your discussion.

Part 2: Teaching practice case study

Read the Case Study relating to your sector and complete the tasks that for

a. Using the Aotearoa New Zealand Code of Professional Responsibility: Examples in Practice (as cited in your course materials), identify three key issues this case study raises in relation to specific commitments from the code. Consider both the immediate issues as well as potential issues and risks.

b. Discuss the teacher's perspective on the issues you have identified and a possible justification for the teacher's actions.

c. Discuss different ways the teacher's actions could be perceived by others (consider learners. whanau. society. the teaching profession and government agencies such as the Ministry of Education).

d. Recommend responses or actions that would lead to a positive outcome. including measures, the teacher could have taken to prevent the situation from occurring in the first place. Reference key sources of guidance to support your recommendation such as legislation. professional standards and guidelines.

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