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BUS702 You are asked to construct a marketing plan for a specific area within your responsibility: Strategic Marketing Assignment, TUA, NZ

University University of Auckland (UOA)
SubjectStrategic Marketing Assignment, TUA, NZ

Task 3 – 500 words
3.1: You are asked to construct a marketing plan for a specific area within your responsibility. Identify measures for evaluating the success of the plan. Explain the process that is required to secure approval within your organization.

3.2: Develop an approach or approaches to gain commitment and buy-in into your plan. You will likely have many factors affecting engagement, and loyalty; the social ethics of your plan would also be valid here. It should be remembered that it is very important to retain commitments for the duration of the plan, further, stakeholders’ positions are likely to shift during the duration of the planned life. Future learning from your plan is also a valid aspect of inclusion in your planning reviews.

3.3: Marketing planning has essentially built-in plan monitoring and controls, conducting research into the concepts of monitoring and control, within a marketing context. Select and apply such techniques that fit your organizational culture, size, and scope of the planned activities and level of operation.

Assessment Criteria

3.1: Discuss how the plan supports strategic objectives.
3.2: Develop an approach to gain agreement for the marketing plan that will change organization actions and methods to achieve strategic objectives.
3.3: Critically evaluate and provide review measures for the agreed plan.

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We'll assist you in constructing a comprehensive marketing plan for the specific area within your responsibility. Save time and elevate your academic performance by tapping into our expertise. Pay our professionals for invaluable guidance, and conquer your course effortlessly!

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