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Importance of Academic Degree in Career Growth

When it involves self-improvement, we all know tons of methods. To become fit, you eat right and exercise. To grow in physical strength, you train and lift weights. To enhance your memory, you get enough sleep and intentionally learn new things.

But what you need to do to enhance and grow in your career?

Regardless of where you are at—whether you are a senior manager or an entry-level employee on the front lines—you can still grow and advance your career and professional goals.

And higher education gives you the shoes to require that next step.

According to a piece of writing from Forbes.com by Jacquelyn Smith, many adults return to high school to reinforce their career. The article cites that a lot of believing "additional education will help them achieve their career goals, like making extra money, advancing in their current occupation, or starting with a different one."

Additionally, the article mentions from career coach Nancy Collamer that the majority return to high school "to bolster their range of marketable skills and credentials, which, in turn, makes them more competitive—both at their current employer and within the overall job market."

Education is an influential step in staying competitive and enhancing your skills. Whether you are taking a step towards your career or returning to still repose on your years of experience, pursuing educational training helps you retain moving forward.

Here, we share some reasons, why pursuing an Academic degree education can advance your career at any level

1. Increased Access to Job Opportunities: There are rewarding opportunities if having a bachelor’s degree that is not possible for a person without having it. People who have academic degrees have more job opportunities as compared to non-graduates. Also, the 2020 estimation shows that two-thirds of all jobs will require post-secondary education. A degree enables you to qualify for these additional opportunities and offers you more flexibility in where you choose to work.

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 2. Preparation for a Specialized Career: The job market changes as the world changes. The most frequently growing field in the    job industry is health, education, and technology. The highly knowledgeable individual can only survive in this rapidly growing industry. An academic degree provides you to have specific skills and habits necessary for a better job.

3. Increased Marketability: An academic degree increase your marketability. It increases your demand as the need for skilled, college-educated workers continues to rise.

4. Increased Earning Potential: Earning a bachelor’s degree brings with it a substantial jump in pay. Bachelor’s degree holders make an average of $1,173 per week, or $60,996 each year. That is more than $17,500 more than associate degree holders and nearly $25,000 more than high school graduates.

5. Economic Stability: The researches shows that only six percent of individuals having a bachelor’s degree live below the poverty line. Whereas an alarming 22 percent of individuals without an academic degree live in poverty. An academic degree helps the individual to have economic stability and future security.

6. Networking Opportunities: In today’s job market, building and maintaining a professional network is critical to success. Certain aspects of getting a degree, from interning to volunteering, are designed to help you meet people who can help design your future. 

7. A Pathway to Advancement: Certain career options demand essentially an academic degree as the first step of entering into career success.

8. Personal Growth and Improved Self-Esteem: Earning a degree can help an individual a lot. It helps to provide a sense of achievement and boost confidence. It also helps you to master complex challenges, reduced stress, contributing to increased happiness, and overcome adversity.

9. Higher Job Satisfaction: An academic degree holder enjoys more job perks that lead to higher job satisfaction. The full-time workers who are also degree holders are availing more retirement benefits as compared to persons without a degree.

10. Positive Return on Investment: Young adults express that their degrees are a good value, with 72 percent believing that their degree has paid off, and an additional 17 percent believing that it will very soon. This trend stays steady among those who borrowed for school, as well. Plus, there are many programs available to help pay for higher education; scholarshipsgrants, and tuition reimbursement programs are all designed to help students avoid debt.

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